The Realty Services Team provides expertise in real estate and other right of way matters that pertain to Gila River Indian Community, tribal departments and the community members. Realty Services is responsible for obtaining the survey, appraisal, acquisition, and management of property acquired for public right-of-way projects. The Realty Services Team assists our community members in acquiring legal access as well as an infrastructure corridors to their home sites located on allotted lands.
The MISSION of the Realty Division is create, obtain and manage the most feasible public road and utility corridor easements in a timely and cost effective manner necessary for the benefit of the residents of the Gila River Indian Community.
The VISION of the Realty Division is to provide expertise in real estate and other right of way matters to Gila River Indian Community’s Department of Transportation and other tribal departments including the Seven Districts and Community members.
Since the inception of the Department of Land Use Planning and Zoning Realty Services Team, we are tasked with other matters that directly and or indirectly effect obtaining a home site, home construction or even something as simple as installing a driveway or ingress/egress.
In addition, we also aide in the land acquisition for members utilizing and or participating in the Community’s Land buyback program under GRIC Resolution GR-51-06.
We are devoted to open, honest and professional relations with the Community members, employees and Administration.
Phone: 520-562-5060
P.O. Box E
291 W. Casa Blanca Rd.
Sacaton, AZ 85147
Physical land assessments on areas that an individual is either obtaining a Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) residential home site lease or already has a residential home site lease. We will determine if a right of way is needed. Once determined the process takes place until completion for legal access. The Initial Intake form for the Right of Way process is available here.
A potential BIA residential home site applicant can bring in their land inventory from BIA to our office and we will assess all of your identified properties and assess them for not only a road and utility corridor (ROW) but for an allotted land home site. We can recommend the best possible area for a home site based on an on-site field assessment.
Assess and process the GRIC Consent for a residential lease when GRIC has land interest in the allotment.
We assess the land parcels and the potential benefits such as trust status, future use for agriculture, and homesites. We aid in the land acquisition process to acquire and maintain land to better the Gila River Indian Community in terms of land development.
We aid in the exchanges of land parcels by providing tribal land availability, mapping, real estate questions pertaining to their land exchange and quality assurance of any documents the landowners receive from the BIA. We assess the land parcels and the potential benefits such as trust status, future GRIC use for agriculture and homesites.
For more information, contact Realty Services at 520-562-5060 or